Filmklubben Sandgatan 8 för att se och diskutera film hos Dominikanerna på Sandgatan 8 i Lund.  Vi ser filmer som kan ge underlag för reflektion, filmer som är gjorda med engagemang. Det vi söker är inte film med “budskap” eller ren underhållning, men film som närmar sig världen med nyfikenhet och öppen blick.
Bra film kan fördjupa perpektiven. Där finns det som inte går att förklara, människans och världens mysterium, alla lager av verklighet. En sanning, gömd i den vanliga världen, kan framträda in te minst i de diskussioner som följer på varje film. Under några år har vi sett film bland annat av Andrei Tarkovsky, Robert Bresson, Hirokazo Kore-eda,  Ingmar Bergman, Erik Rohmer, Bo Widerberg, Debra Granik, Kelly Reickhardt och  andra. Vi blandar “svårare” och “enklare” filmer, svenskt och annat - alltid med engelsk undertext.
Höst och vår har vi under en följd av år anordnat FilmDagar med ett valt tema, ett bra tillfälle att se flera filmer av en regissör och gå in och undersöka hans värld.

Programansvariga för Filmklubben 2024 är Magnus Ingvarsson, Viggo Johnsson, Daniel Markus  och Björn Engdahl, dominikanbroder.

Alltid introduktion före och samtal efter filmen, vanligtvis på engelska/ Always introduction before the film and discussion afterwards

English subtitles to all films.

Medlemsskap i Filmklubben, 150 Skr för 2024 tecknas på plats / Membership 150 SEK for all films 2024, registration at the entrance

Filmerna visas i samarbete med Dominikanerna, Domino katolska studenter och Bilda

Discussion after all films



Start of semester

19.15 THE GRADUATE by Mike Nichols, USA 1967, 1h46min, starring Dustin Hoffman, Anne Bancroft
WOW, school´s finished, bright future for Ben­jamin. Some complications are waiting though. We start the semester with a true classic, not least the soundtrack by Simon&Garfunkel. Oh mrs Robinsson!

 Film Week September 17th - 21st

Luis Bunuel  - Surreal = SuperReal

Mexico 1962, 1h35min, starring Slivia Panal, Jacqeline Andere
Imagine being locked in while attending a party and not being able to leave. Voilà, par­ty ambience changes, elegancy fades and it’s replaced by... A satire, a sneak peak on what clould be found behind the curtains.

Spain 1970, 1h39min, starring Catherine Deneuve, Fernando Rey, Franco Nero
In early 20th-century Spain, the true per­il to the innocence and integrity of a young orphaned woman lies not in societal pressures or economic struggles but in the manipulative grasp of her guardian, an older libertine w hose seduction and control force her into a turbulent jour­ney of self-discovery and vengeance.

by Luis Buñuel, Spain 1929, 16 min, starring Pierre Batcheff, Luis Buñuel, Salvador Dali
The most famous short film ever made? A bizarre, no-sense film written together with the Surrealist artist Salvador Dalí.

18.15 DINNER Please bring something to share for a pleasant time together

 19.30 THAT OBSCURE OBJECT OF DESIRE Spain 1977, 1h43min, starring Fernando Rey, Carole Bouquet, Angela Molina
A relationship tale with twists as surprising as Buñuel’s choice of having two actresses interchangeably playing the same role with large age gaps, left wing terrorism and psychoanalysis, that this is a film from 1977 is however hardly surprising.

Surreal = SuperReal
The world risen out of the trenches of the First World War needed new expressions, hence the introduction of Surrealism in the arts. The same year René Magritte painted his famous This is Not a Pipe, a Spanish filmmaker made his directorial debut with The Andalusian Dog (1929). He then collaborated with Salvador Dalí, but soon stood on his own feet and would become the supreme master of cinematic Surrealism: Luis Buñuel. His work would demask the bourgeoisie, reveal hidden sexual desires where they were not expected, and thus stir up caustic reactions, not least in the Catholic establishment where he was fully scandalized. But watch his films not merely as blunt satire. They do carry dense, positive meaning, which we may need to work out together (like in group therapy). He was truly a social artist. Relationships between words, images and messages may be skewed, like our feelings, fantasies and beliefs. Paradoxes are only paradoxical in the wrong logic. Buñuel said: “Thank God, I’m an atheist.” He was in fact a very moral artist, whose passionate aim was the freedom of man. The quote continues: “We must seek God within man himself.”                Magnus Ingvarsson, Lund

Autumn films

In the eyes of the child

19.15 KES by Ken Loach, UK 1969, 1h51min,starring David Bradley, Brian Glover
Billy, 15 years old, a coal mine town working class boy, spots a kestrel and starts to train the young bird. Getting close to the kester he is taken by its beauty. But things will happen.

19.15 PETITE MAMAN by Céline Sciamma, France 2021, 1h13min, starring Joséphine Sanz, Gabrielle Sanz
When we come into this world our mothers are everything, even our bodies are conjoined. At the same time they are perhaps always strangers to us, impossible to meet as equals.

19.15 COME AND SEE by Elem Klimov, Sovjet Union 1985, 2h22min, starring Aleksej Kravchenko, Olga Mironova
In this powerful World War II drama set in Belarus, the story follows a young boy whose journey from innocence to maturi­ty is shaped by the stark realities of conflict. As he joins the resistance and experiences the hardships of war, he encounters both the brutality and resilience of the human spirit.

Andrey Tarkovsky

19.15 ANDREY RUBLEV Sovjet Union 1966, 3h09min,starring Anatoly Solonitsyn
Through rain, mud and snow, through de­ceptions, lonelyness and deceit the 15th cen­tury Andrey Rublev, monk and icon paint­er, lives the sound of the bell of liberation.



FREDAG 19 januari kl 19.15
by Bernardo Bertolucci, Italy 1970, 1h 53m, starring Jean-Louis Trintignant, Stefania Sandrelli, Gastone Moschin
Clerici is not a person who likes having his own views. While adapting to the fascist power of Italien 30ies he find himself trapped between demands of him and his personal feelings. A visually beautiful film, dark emptiness, and brilliant light in thriller format.


Filmvecka 6-10 februari 2024

When I´m weak, I am strong -three films by John Cassavetes

John Cassavetes honours the fool

Love is the primary emotion that determines almost everything that happens
in life », says John Cassavetes in an interview.
The actors are invited to by himself find the charactor they will play. Taking
follows taking, and then another taking. With the loving patience of Cassavetes,
present and alive, it suddenly fits. A spontanous action is born. HIs directing a
film is like a non-directing presence. « Planning », he says, « is the most
destructive thing ».
Astonishling, Cassavetes always has a detailed script. Yet the moments seems
captured accidentally.
Love is his center- and the failure to love. We follow a stream where life flows.All
idealistic ideas are stripped off. The characters are persons with dignity and
desire for love, of flesh and blood,. There is weakness and letting go, to the limit
of insanity. The human person truely becomes human. « When I ́m weak, I am
strong », as Saint Paul says.
No obsession of security. A perspective : What about accepting the odd, the
different, the weak ? Could love ever grow except in the human weakness ?
Gena Rowland, his wife, is his main actress and both their both mothers participate. The
actor ́s becomes part of the band, a big family gathered.
John Cassavetes, born 1929, was of Greek descendance, and active in the
50ies to the 80ies . He is one of the first directors gaining economical (and thus
cultural) independence from Hollywood. The societal background is the demand
for a freer expression in USA of the time. Still today his films call us to stay free from
ideologies, control and conventions. Cassavetes was first an actor and played in
many films during his life.
The three films screen on the FilmWeek shows a variety of his work, a comedy,
a drama, a film noir. No fear, just love.
Br Björn Engdahl, Dominican, Filmklubben


by John Cassavetes, USA 1971, starring Gena Rowlands, Seymour Cassel, 1h 53m
Is there any love for Minnie? An incredibly non-possible possible road through the landscape of desire. A drama comedy where life is lived in ways you did not expect.

When I´m weak, I´m strong

Conference by Astrid Söderbergh Widding professor of Cinema Studies, Stockholm

followed by
A WOMAN UNDER THE INFLUENCE (Kvinna under påverkan) by John Cassavetes, USA 1974,
starring Gena Rowlands, Peter Falk
Follow Mabel, a woman with a special sensibility in this drama that seem taken directly from life. We come really close to Mabel and her husband,
in love we each others, trying to cope with love. The downs and ups, the dark and the light, the climbing of high unreachable mountains.

KL 17.45
- please bring something to sharefollowed by

kl 19.15
THE KILLING OF A CHINESE BOOKIE (Mordet på en kinesisk bookmaker)
by John Cassavetes, USA 1981
A debt forces the owner of a surreal strip club to turn from dealing in sex to dealing in violence. In
a fast moving underworld where everything can be sold it is only in the weird that one finds a


More films Springtime 2024

Films gathered under the theme of MOTHER

Where is Isaac’s mother, when God urges his father Abraham to sacrifice him?
Why did she leave her son? Why did God leave her out? Or didn’t he?
Where were your mother when you…? Where is my mother?
Is she a person outside me? No, like no other person she is inside me! 
And from that integration I become my mother.

My beginnings: within her and part of her. In her arms the first visavi,
the You and Me taking form. But the imprint of her presence stays in
me, and remains until death. I’m a plant from her garden in need of
her caring love to grow and florish. The mother gives herself, all
her body, to all your body.
My loveliness, my love, where does it come from?
Is it implanted in me by the divine force… in a seed… ?
Was my love brought to me in my childhood, when I cuddled in my mother’s arms,
when she comforted me? Love implanted, inherited, nurtured
these are the fibers I am made of.
My mother will prevail and fail. When she’s there, she can suffocate me.
When she’s not there, I can miss her. Her anguish can become my anguish,
her will crush my will. She is a trunk of the tree I belong to.
The burdens of motherhood, especially in modern times,
when women shall be everything: successful at work, a sexy mistress, a good friend…
Can’t we let her be? Is there no grace?
The heading “Mother” can seem alien to the films choosen for this Springtime.
In Easy Rider the tough guys have left their mothers behind,
like so many did in the 68 generation – but is she not there, anyhow?
In Love Story,
 a film from the same time, the mother does not seem
to have any relevance to the young loving couple. Simply out of date.
But where do they come from, and where are they heading?
 A Tale of Winter, a present mother, listening to her grown-up child.


A tale of Winter (Tre män och en kärlek)
by Eric Rohmer, France 1992, 1h 54min, starring Charlotte Véry, Frédéric van den Driessche, Michel Voletti
Stuck inbetween her mother and her daughter, Félicie has troubles choosing her man: the fance hairdresser Maxence, the intellectual Loïc, or the memory of the long-lost father of the child, Charles. Do you believe in love after love?

FREDAG 15 MARS 19.15
MIRROR (Spegeln)
by Andrej Tarkovskij, Soviet Union 1975, 1h 48m, starring Margarita Terekhova, Filipp Yankovskij, Ignat Daniltsev
How could this film be made in the Soviet Union ? Tarkovskij tells his childhood story as seen in multiple mirrors – don´t get lost!- or let your self be lost ! - in the fabulous beauty, the earth that guides us to heaven.

LOVE STORY (En kärlekshistoria)
FREDAG 19 APRIL kl 19.15
by Roy Andersson, Sweden 1970, 1h 55m, Ann-Sofie Kylin, Rolf Sohlman
Two teenagers fall in love over the summer, in spite of cynical and disapproving adults who dismiss their
relationship as being nothing but young love. A beautiful depiction of love between youngsters in an era of uproar and
uncertainty. A real cinematic classic with splendid storytelling.

FREDAG 17 MAJ 19.15
by Dennis Hopper, USA 1969, 1h 35m, starring Dennis Hopper, Peter Fonda
You, your best friend, two motorbikes and the open road in front of you. Two men experience freedom in its purest form just
as a countercultural revolt tears on the fabric of American society.

Medlemmarnas val:
FREDAG 31 MAJ KL 19.15
av Pawel Pawlinowski, Polen 2013
a young girl hestitates to stay in the monastery, and get the opportunity to take time off to discern. This intense period reveals many things to her.






Filmvecka 18-23 september 2023

East is West, West is East - films by Akira Kurosawa

RASHOMON Japan 1950, 88 min, starring Toshiro Mifune, Machiko Kyo, Masayuki Mori
One of the films that introduced Japanese cinema to the Western audience. Its aesthetics and subjective storytelling is influential still today. We get to know each and every side of a murder and rape drama of the samurai age. But what really happened? And does it matter?


THE SEVEN SAMURAI  Japan 1954, 3h 27min, starring Toshiro Mifune, Takashi Shimura, Sheiko Tsushima
Peasant is peasant and samurai is samurai. The two classes inhabit different worlds and view each other with suspicion. As bandits ravage the countryside however both peasants and samurai need each other. This is a film about unorthodox encounters that result in transformed identities as well as bodies dismembered by the swift stroke of the sword.


YOJIMBO  Japan 1961, 1h 50min, starring Toshiro Mifune, Tatsuya Nakadai and Yoko Tsukasa
A samurai arrives in a small town and sets in motion a conflict between two factions led by a silk trader and a sake merchant, with the aim of destroying them both and liberating the town in this film reminiscent of a classic western but set in feudal Japan. In 1964 it was informally recreated as the spaghetti western “A fistful of dollars” by Sergio Leone.


Film Autumn 2023

FREDAG 13 OKTOBER kl 19.30
Underground by Emir Kusturica, Yugoslavia 1995, 2h 50m, starring Miki Manojlović, Lazar Ristovski and Mirjana Joković

Marko and Blacky are close friends who organized a weapons manufacturing base in Belgrade in order to supply the resistancemovement during World War II. Another thing that connects them (or rather separates them) is their infatuation with theatre actress Natalija.The film documents the formation and subsequent disintegration of socialist Yugoslavia through the lives and adventures of this trio from WWII to the Yugoslav wars of the 1990s.


Nomadland by Chloé Zhao, USA 2020, 1h 47m, starring Francis McDormand, David Strathairn, Linda May
Chinese director Chloé Zhao, living since long in USA, dives into the American heartland with fresh eyes. Fren looses everything and departs to be a nomad, living in a van, travelling taking seasonal jobs. Most actors, nomads themselves and marginalized by the economical crises, figures with their real names.


Godland by Hlynur Pálmason, Iceland, 2022, 2h 23m, starring Eliot Crosset Hove, Ingvar Sigurdsson, Vic Carmen Sonne
With the authority of the Danish church vested in him and armed with that most modern invention; the camera, a young priest sets out to build a new parish in a remote part of Iceland. A Danish 19th century version of Heart of Darkness, the priest becomes enmeshed in both a landscape and a people equally beautiful as unforgiving.


Solaris by Andrei Tarkovsky, USSR, 1972, 2h 47m, starring Donatas Banionis, Natalya Bondarchuk et al.
To its form scifi, or perhaps anti-scifi; as for substance, about longing and the construction of memories. Meditative and intriguing, it has inspired several advanced American attempts, and also a remake. Still no movie in the genre has surpassed the complexity offered here. What is happening? And to whom? What is Solaris?